Intro to

Welcome! is a community effort to help product companies find and fix bugs in their product. Our community is similar to a bug bounty program, but we focus on bugs and not exploits.

Here in the BB community, you get to try new products, help improve them, and earn rewards for your effort! Every bug we find helps the next user save time. The feedback you provide helps product teams improve their UX.


Our community is sponsored by, the fastest way to report and resolve bugs. You’ll see many references to Dashcam throughout the site; Dashcam sponsors the BugBash prizes and even runs their own contests!

It’s hard to describe bugs and often impossible to recreate them.
Dashcam is the fastest way to do both.

Bug Bashes

Bug bashes are community events we host tothat help identify bugs and collect feedback. Often bashes will target specific parts of a product or potentially problematic workflows.

For a list of current bug bashes, visit the Bug Bashes Category.


There are many different ways to earn prizes. Being active in the forum and participating in Bug Bashes challenges will help you earn rewards, some of the rewards will be prizes which will be announced by the BugBashes staff.

For a list of current prizes, check out the prizes forum.


Points are awarded for engaging with the community by visiting, liking, posting, etc. Your score is updated every few minutes. So be helpful, active, and supportive, and rise through the ranks!

You can find the leaderboard here: